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Stray Cats and Dogs Throughout Our Travels

Stray Cats and Dogs Throughout Our Travels

We love pets! Over the course of our travels we notice the dogs and cats. For example, in the nordic countries and Germany, we saw many people walking their beautiful, purebred dogs. In other places we noticed many stray dogs and cats. In Croatia, Portugal and Greece we definitely saw many stray dogs. Unfortunately they were in poor health. 

Here in Istanbul (not Constantinople ;-) there are a lot of stray cats and only some stray dogs. Luckily the cats are well taken care of and we saw many feeding places and even some homes for the stray cats and dogs. There weren’t many stray dogs and the ones we saw were well behaved and had tags on their ears. We think that it might be because they have already given them shots or made sure that they can not have puppies. 

One of the times that we saw two cats that were play-fighting. When we looked closer, one of them had one eye only, he was probably a trouble maker! We have also seen little kittens about the size of a small plate!!! They were ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! 

Most cats in Istanbul were gorgeous and looked very healthy. Some of them have beautiful patterns. One of my favorite patterns is all dark brown, with a thick black line right down the middle of their back, and has a lot of black spots and patterns.

I felt bad for the cats and dogs because they don’t have homes. I wish that in these cities and countries would put together health programs and adoption program so that people would adopt the stray animals instead of brand new/pure bred pets and then there wouldn’t be such a problem.

The one eyed/trouble maker cat

The one eyed/trouble maker cat

Cat enjoying some food and water

Cat enjoying some food and water

A dog with an ear tag

A dog with an ear tag

A beautiful cat enjoying the nice warm sun!!!!

A beautiful cat enjoying the nice warm sun!!!!

Desert safari in Dubai!

Desert safari in Dubai!

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Homeschooling, or better: WORLDschooling!