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Entertaining ourselves!!!

Entertaining ourselves!!!

When we left on our world trip we each could only take a couple of games/toys/things to keep us busy. Because we didn’t have much space in our luggage, we have had to find entertainment by ourselves. How we do that is we either make up a new game or we look around the house that we are staying at and try to find toys or books. Here are a couple of different entertainment items that we have found:

  • In one place (that used to be an old school in Kotka, Finland) we found a box full of plastic, 2-inch tall toys, they included, army people, and swimmers with knives, Indians, cowboys, etc., etc.

  • In a lake house in Savonlinna, Finland they had a very old TV with VHS tapes (we had never seen those!) and we watched one of the videos available. It was a Mumi film that was in Finnish and we watched it for half an hour!!!!! We also found fishing hooks and bait for fishing and a sauna and played around with that. We also played for hours in the lake making up our own story/game.

  • In a house that we shared with the owners in Sweden, we played with their doggy Leo. In the end, we got a little puff of hair from Leo.

  • At an island house we stayed at Storholmen (Kaio wrote a post called Storholmen Island) we asked the owner (who also lived on the island) if he had puzzles or games and if they did they could bring it and they brought over a bunch of games and puzzles and stuff like that and we entertained our selves, we also walked around the entire island, exploring.

  • We stayed at a campsite in Slovenia and we stayed in teardrop tents that hung on trees. At the campsite, there were horses and bunnies and goats and sheep. The bunnies were ADORABLE!!!! We got to pick them up and pet them and stuff like that. They brought in two new horses to breed and it was very interesting to see them adjust to each other…. There were a lot of ruckuses the night. We also walked into the city and bought paddleboards and played with them.

  • At another house, in Denmark, the owners had chickens that we played with. We fed the chickens grass and leaves. In the end, we got some eggs from the chickens which were SUPER DELICIOUS!!!!!!! They also had toys we played with.

  • We stayed at the Black Forest in Germany, at a B&B, and we found a game room (it had games, darts, bow and arrow, Fussball, and a pool table). The B&B also had animals like chickens, goats, sheep, and geese. Most animals had ‘babies’. It was cute! They also had cows and we saw a baby calf that we thought had been born the day before we went there, it was very small and still was walking wobbly. We had a lot of fun at that place.

  • parks: we have found amazing parks in many countries! Some with great ziplines others with fun swings.

  • Water: lake, pool, or beach! We always have a blast with swimming, jumping and building sand castles!

    That is how we got entertainment.

    It has been fun exploring and getting to see different toys in the many countries we are visiting!

First 2 days in Croatia

First 2 days in Croatia

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg