
Hello, we are the Halls!



We are a family of five who lived on 3 continents and traveled to more than 20 countries before starting this trip. We most recently lived in Colorado. But now we’re vagabonding around the world for 1, 2, or 3 years! We are open-minded and excited!

If you’re reading this blog, it’s probably because you know us already. Great to see you here. We hope you can follow along with our adventures and stay in touch!

We hope this blog inspires you to explore new places and consider what makes you happy.

Feel free to leave a comment or follow us on social media!

A little bit about us:

  • Jason (dad): I grew up in Colorado and left for LA once I finished up at the University of Colorado. I fell in love with an amazing girl, and we’ve had a wonderful adventure together in LA, London, Brazil, and Colorado, raising 3 wonderful kids along the way. I spent about 20 years doing internet marketing and data science for VC-backed tech startups. I am grateful for my wonderful family and the ability to take this journey together.

  • Annelies (mom): I was born in Brazil but raised in Belgium and Brazil. In my mid 20’s I accepted a job in California. I was excited about the opportunity (and to live by the beach!) but didn’t expect to meet the love of my life, Jason. I am a veterinarian by education but built my career at CPG companies. In 2018 I decided to go back to work (after 3 years at home with the kids) but was laid off after 8 months. This was unexpected and frustrating at the time, but it also was the reason we started thinking about: what is next for our family? Several ideas floated around: Stay home with the kids again? Find another job (which, usually, demands long hours and travel)? Move to Estes Park? or….. TRAVEL THE WORLD!!!! I am a strong believer in the sayings: “when one door shuts, another opens” and “Time is limited and some opportunities never repeat themselves.”

    I hope you enjoy our blog and ‘tag along’ on our travels!

  • Kaio (son) - 15; I was born in London but two years later we moved to Brazil for three years. Then, we lived in Colorado. I really like reading and love writing. I also love to be adventurous and do all sorts of crazy things from skydiving to scuba diving, to just playing a pick-up football game (or soccer) in Morocco with some local footballers. My favorite book series is probably the Stromlight Archive from Brandon Sanderson. I really like traveling and I’m excited for what the next adventures will bring us.

  • Josefine (daughter) - 13: I love reading, like, really, a lot. I really liked reading the Hunger Games and Rangers Apprentice and I also loved reading Lore. I also love music! I can’t stop listening to the Bleachers, so they’re probably my favorite. I also like Imagine Dragons, Dua Lipa, Coin, and Dave Matthews. Also, I like computer programming. I mainly use JavaScript, but I also know a bit about HTML and SQL. I’ve made 9 VW Bug Pixel Art NFTs that you can check out here. Yeah, about VW Bugs, I am in love with them. Can’t get enough of them, to the point where I’m making a website for them! =D

  • Madeline (daughter) - 8: Madeline was born in 2015 in Colorado. She is the ‘baby’ of the family but is very independent and eager to learn and keep up with her older siblings! She is funny, sweet and smart, and strong-willed (in a good way ;-). She is very social and makes friends easily. She loves to ski (she started at 3), play soccer, read books, and draw.