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First 2 days in Croatia

First 2 days in Croatia

After spending one night at a really cool camping area in Slovenia (we slept in teardrop tents, which were basically a tent that was in the shape of a teardrop and that hung from a tree), we drove to Croatia. We noticed when we got inside Croatia that it had a lot of abandoned and run down buildings. We arrived at the Airbnb in Karlovac and our hosts were really nice, offering cookies, sweets and wine for my parents! After unloading, we went walking around the town, it was so empty and we didn’t see many people around (it was Sunday) and then we found that everyone was down at the river cooling off. (It was 30C!!) We came back and had dinner.

After having a night of wonderful sleep, we drove to Zagreb, Croatia’s capital. In Zagreb we walked to a “Grounded Sun”. It was a big metal ball about one and a half meters tall. Around the city there were all of the planets in the solar system to scale of that sun. I learned that Venus is bigger than earth and the sun is huge compared to all other planets! Through out the day we went to a famous market, went inside a huge Gothic style church were there was a typical local ceremony going on (many people were dressed in traditional cloths), took a quick peek at a museum of broken relationships (which was funny and interesting), saw the changing of the guards in front of a church that had a beautiful roof made of colorful tiles, had lunch at a really good place, went in an a tunnel the Croats built in case of an air raid, and found planets mars Earth, Venus, and Mars.

We drove home after a wonderful day in Zagreb, had dinner and went to bed.

The tear drop tents in Slovenia!

The tear drop tents in Slovenia!

Changing of the guards

Changing of the guards

This was one of the exhibits of the broken relationship museum

This was one of the exhibits of the broken relationship museum

Consonno, the abandoned amusement park in Italy

Consonno, the abandoned amusement park in Italy

Entertaining ourselves!!!

Entertaining ourselves!!!