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Overnight Boat Trip From Helsinki To St. Petersburg

Overnight Boat Trip From Helsinki To St. Petersburg

We went on an overnight boat trip from Helsinki, Finland to St. Petersburg, Russia. We stayed in a really tight room because there were only four beds and a bathroom. Well, if you think that its not that small, than you are wrong, because there was two beds on the bottom about two feet apart and then two beds on the top. The bathroom was quite small also because it was just a toilet a shower and a sink. Since there wasn’t any bed for Madeline we had to go to the receptionist desk to ask for a mattress or something for Madeline to sleep on. When we got on the boat, around 3pm, we dropped of our backpacks at our room and then we went around the boat to see what kinds of stuff there was. We found a kids area but it only opened a 6:30 P.M. We went on the deck for a little bit and we met some Brazilians and had a chat with them about various things, After dinner, we went to the kids area. We went back to our room and got ready for bed and then went to bed around 9pm. We woke up in the morning at around 7:10 ish and then got ready and went to breakfast where we had a nice and big meal as it was a buffet. We went to our room and got our stuff and headed to the exit and got off the boat and into Russia.

Madeline was excited!

Madeline was excited!

Getting off the boat with our backpacks

Getting off the boat with our backpacks

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Finishing up our stay in the Nordics!

Finishing up our stay in the Nordics!