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Running, Strava, Segments…

Running, Strava, Segments…

I am a runner. I started running in 2004. We were visiting my parents in Brazil and, as usual, my mom was making so many delicious meals and I had to burn the calories! I completed my first race, a 10K in 2005, after Jason motivated me to run it together. I kept running and in 2006 I finished my first half marathon in California (from Napa to Sonoma). I was hooked! I ran throughout my pregnancies and started running weeks after the kids were born. Jason laughed when I suggested to run with my four wheel pram at the local “commons” in London after Kaio was born in 2007. I did it anyways.

Over the years I have completed many half marathons and in recent years I’ve completed some triathlons. Triathlons are great challenges (and accomplishments) but I prefer running over biking and swimming. Every year, I like to reflect on my previous year running and set goals for the new year (ex. 1000 miles in a year or complete 2 half marathons, etc)

Right before our trip I purchased some new running shoes and was eager to start exploring places while clocking in some miles. As I started running every other day and we were staying 3 - 4 days in each place, I soon set my goal for the trip: run in every country we visit!

So far I have ran in 16 countries!!! (In order: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, France, Andorra and Spain)

I use Strava (a sports social network) and if you do any sports and like to track your performance, I highly recommend it! Strava has not only helped me define some of the paths and trails to run, as it has also fed my competitive side. Strava segments are set distances/paths that you can compete against other athletes. I like to seek out some of these segments near where we are staying and get within the top 10. (Your time to complete the segment compared to others). For example, at the moment we are staying at a gated golf course community in Spain. I looked at the area and there were several segments, from 3+miles to 200yard segments. I went for a 6 mile run and achieved first place in 3 segments and several 2nd, 3rd and 4th places in other segments. Tomorrow I am going after some more! Strava will not only register your activity (distance, speed, elevation gains, hr, etc) but it will also show the map and you can include pictures.

The kids have also gotten excited about defining my segments, celebrating when I achieve them and even running with me in some places!

I am eager and excited to explore the world with my running shoes!

If you already use Strava, connect with me (@Annelies Hall)!

Some of the views I get to admire on my early morning runs! (Slovenia)

Some of the views I get to admire on my early morning runs! (Slovenia)

Sometimes I get to see the local wildlife. This was a wild, big boar in Austria.

Sometimes I get to see the local wildlife. This was a wild, big boar in Austria.

Kids running with me on the last part of my run in Leichtenstein.

Kids running with me on the last part of my run in Leichtenstein.

My latest run in Spain!

My latest run in Spain!

One of my “crowns” (when I conquered a segment!)

One of my “crowns” (when I conquered a segment!)

Cheeses of Europe

Consonno, the abandoned amusement park in Italy

Consonno, the abandoned amusement park in Italy