Family Vagabonders

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2 Days In The Mother Of All Legos

We went to Lego land Billund for two days. My favorite rides were the Dragon Ride, Polar Expedition, Robot Arm, Canoe, Viking Water Maze, and the Temple. The Dragon Ride is a ride that you go in a cave, it starts out slowly, and then it suddenly zooms off. Polar Expedition is a really fast roller coaster and at one point there is a screen that has two people that are hammering at the ice, they drop the hammer which breaks the floor and then you suddenly drop really fast! At the end of the Polar Expedition you can see real penguins!!! The Robot Arm is this ride that you get a card and then you pick what types of moves you want to do. Then you get in this thing that looks a lot like a robot arm and you suddenly jerk around. Its really fun. The Canoe is this ride that you are in a canoe and then it twists around these Lego animals and it goes down a big drop and you don’t get soaked (but you get somewhat misted). Another thing that I really liked was mini land because it was all made of Legos.

Another fun thing that Kaio and I did was this driving thing that we even got fake drivers license!!! We drove around in toy cars and we also learned the driving rules, which was really fun. There was even a fake car wash and a fake gas station. There was also a round-a-bout. I really liked it.

All of the rides I mentioned had cameras that took pictures. At the ends of each ride we looked at the pictures. At one point Kaio did moose ears to mommy, which made me laugh because mommy dared Kaio to do it an he actually did!!

Legoland was really fun. I am really glad that we went there. At our cabin there were these manual bike cars. If you wanted to drive around for an hour, you would have to pay. We found one that was not locked and we got into it and started driving around. There was also this scavenger hunt that we could win a box of Legos, but we didn’t win them. But it was more for the fun and not for the box of Legos. They had a really good buffet with a Make-Your-Own pancake station, which I liked a lot. They had pretty good bacon and sausages.