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We hope this blog inspires you to explore new places and consider what makes you happy.

Caprese salad experiment!

Italy is one of the places we are very excited about, especially for the delicious food!

To make the kids get more “in the mood” (and because I picked some gorgeous tomatoes at the store), we decided to have a experimentation night making Caprese salad. We wanted to see the difference between using mini mozzarella balls compared to using burrata mozzarella.

The kids love to help us cook and this was perfect to teach them knife skills, team work, portioning and the different flavors!

3 main ingredients, 3 focused kids!

3 main ingredients, 3 focused kids!

The verdict: We LOVED both!

The burrata mozzarella made the salad look more messy but was super creamy and delicious.

The mini mozzarella made it possible to taste the different flavors better (especially those yummy tomatoes!) and the salad looked nicer!

Packing for 5 for a world trip!

Packing for 5 for a world trip!

Family first

Family first