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Hassan II mosque; one of the most beautiful buildings in the world

Hassan II mosque; one of the most beautiful buildings in the world

Casablanca was a hectic city, and it was not as nice as some of the other cities we visited in Morocco. However, in Casablanca, is the Hassan II mosque, which was built under the rule of King Hassan II, in 1993. It is one of the most beautiful buildings we have ever seen. The entire thing is grandiose and impressive. Every hour, except during prayer (as it is still an active mosque), there are tours. We took a tour one of the earlier tours, and it was nice as it was all to ourselves. As you pay your entrance fee, a tour guide is assigned to you. The tour guides speak many languages, including French, Arabic, English, and Spanish. The tour guides are very friendly and informative, we learned a lot about the mosque and Islamic culture. (It is expected to provide a tip at the end.) For opening hours and further information, click HERE

Facts about the mosque

  • It is an active mosque and can fit thousands of people. 40,000 men inside; 5,000 women in the balconies above; another 60,000 people on the outside grounds (during Ramadan); totaling around 105,000 people through the mosque.

  • The roof of the mosque is on a huge track, which, on extremely hot days, can slide open. (There is no AC)

  • All the building and decorative materials used in the mosque came from Morocco, with the exception of the chandeliers, which are from Murano, Italy, and two slabs of white Italian marble. The beautiful cedar came from the Atlas mountains, the marble from Agadir, and the granite from Tafraoute. All the craftsmen were from around Morocco and came from places we had visited, like Marrakesh, Essaouira, and Fes.

  • The construction lasted 6 years, an impressive feat for such an enormous building. They completed this with the help of 10,000 craftsmen and workers. There were three shifts, 24/7, so the building was just constantly being built.

  • It is the second-largest mosque in Africa, one of the largest in the world, and has the second-tallest minaret in the world, just behind the Djamaa el Djazaïr mosque in Algiers, Algeria.

  • One-third of the mosque is actually built over the water, as the Quran (the Islamic version of the bible), says that “god’s throne ” is over water.

  • The mosque is fit for a king, literally - the king has a “mini palace” attached to the mosque and an entire path through the mosque built just for him. At one end of the mosque, the opposite side of the side facing mecca, the Muslim holy place, are two giant doors made out of titanium, weighing ten tons. It is only opened for the king’s procession

  • The entire construction cost $300 million to $400 million, but the final amount had not been made public. King Hassan II was a major donor.

  • Underneath the mosque lies an immense and gorgeous washing area for worshippers. (Part of the Muslim culture is the washing ritual before prayers) Inside this impressive washing area, are columns covered with a paste made out of eggs, which actually helps absorb the humidity, making it an entirely different temperature than the rest of the mosque. Also down here is a Hamman, a traditional bathing experience. For more information on pricing, hours, and more visit HERE.

These are the washing areas underneath the mosque

Beautifully detailed column under the mosque. The Arabic writing is actually a passage of the Quran

What was so impressive is that every bit of the mosque is covered in traditional designs and zellij (Moroccan mosaics). The whole mosque is just stunningly put together and takes in all aspects of the Moroccan culture, in one hugely impressive building. The tour teaches you a lot about the history of the place, and also about the culture of Muslims and Morocco. The mosque takes culture from around Morocco, bringing influences from the Atlas Mountains, Fes, Marrakesh, and beyond under one roof.

A truly spectacular and unforgettable experience. I highly recommend visiting it if you pass by Casablanca.

The mosque is enormous!

“God’s throne is on water”

The outside of the mosque

The mosque at sunrise

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