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People Like Us: A unique way to explore the world through home exchanges

People Like Us: A unique way to explore the world through home exchanges

I signed up for the People Like Us website in February 2019, just a couple of months before we departed on our world travel adventure! I mainly signed up because its facebook group was active and members (which are spread all over the world) offered travel tips, recommendations and answered questions of their town/country/community. It was a good source to get honest and unique information for our upcoming travels! I also started reaching out to several members and I was able to get exchanges sorted in Australia and New Zealand with our 2 Airbnb properties we had in Colorado, USA.

Sunset at our home exchange in Whaikiki, New Zealand

Over the last 3 years the website has grown a lot! It now has members from over 100 countries and over 4000 homes listed. From small cottages on the beach in England and Australia to amazing chateaus and cabins in the mountains of France and USA, it truly offers fun and unique places to visit. Besides this, the PLU community is engaged, helpful and most exchanges offer a unique experience.

I recently wrote a post for the PLU blog, you can read about our experience with home exchanging HERE! The blog has several articles that offers further information in how exchanging works. I recommend you sign up and look at what is available. This might be a good option for your upcoming travels!

Our home in Estes Park, CO

Estes Park Lake

Southern Portugal: The Algarve - fun things to do!

Southern Portugal: The Algarve - fun things to do!

Day trips from Marrakesh, Morocco 🇲🇦

Day trips from Marrakesh, Morocco 🇲🇦