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First Day In Oslo, Norway (highlight: Munch Museet)

First Day In Oslo, Norway (highlight: Munch Museet)

Today is the first day in Oslo, Norway. We arrived very late and ended up waking up at 11am!!! After lunch, we walked into the city and went to the Munch Museet. The Munch Museet is a museum about this guy named Edvard Munch. One of his famous paintings is “The Scream”. (It shows a picture of this person that is on a bridge and there are two guys behind him and of course he has his hands on his cheeks and he is screaming). Another one of his famous paintings is the Madonna. The Madonna is a picture of a woman that one of her hands is on her head and the other hand is on her waist. One of the interesting facts that I found out about:

In 2004, The Scream and The Madonna were stolen by two masked men that just entered the museum, grabbed the paintings, and left. They could not find the paintings for two years. They eventually found it but there were some tears and water damage, which they were able to fix!

Going into the Norwegian Fjords & Flåm

Going into the Norwegian Fjords & Flåm

Rough itinerary

Rough itinerary