Family Vagabonders

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My NFT Pixel Project

Recently, I’ve been very interested in pixels, small little blocks that make up every electronic image. Pixels are always 1 unit by 1 unit by 1 unit. Even though it’s very hard to see pixels when you’re on your computer or tablet, they’re there, just very small.

Two years ago, when we started our world traveling adventure, I started being homeschooled. One website resource that I used is Khan Academy. Besides using it for math, science and history, they also offer classes on several different topics and interest. While browsing on their site, I found a course that teaches the basics of Computer Programming, an overview of different computer languages, and how to use them. I thought, “Why not?” and started learning more about it. After a while, I realized how incredible these languages are. You can make pretty much anything if you know the basic shapes and colors. I got really into it, and now I am in love with JavaScript (one of the many computer language).

I love making all the things that I envision in my head, but one thing that pops out to me the most is pixel art. These projects are so cool to make tons of really awesome things! I saw a pixelated GIF (a way to animate a certain object over and over again) of a old-school Volkswagen Beetle/Bug; this was after we spent a few months in Mexico, where there are old-school Bugs all over the place! I wanted to recreate the image using JavaScript. After a while of playing around with colors and shapes, I finally finished it! I think it looks great, and I am really proud of it.

This is the bug that I made, based on the Pixel GIF

My dad is also pretty into BitCoin and other crypto currencies. He read that something called NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens…..) were starting to going crazy in the crypto world. These NFTs are a way to sell (online) pictures for… a lot money! Well, if your NFTs are popular, that is.

My dad suggested that I turn my Volkswagen Bug javascript art into a gallery of NFTs and see how it goes. I agreed with him, and decided to do that as a project to play around more with javascript and learn more about the crypto world.

There is a pretty popular NFT gallery of thousands of rocks (some of them even selling for $300k each!!) Each rock had a subtly different color, so subtle that you can barely tell the difference of each one. There were also several other galleries that are pretty much the same thing, just different colors.

I decided to make a gallery on OpenSea of 9 NFTs of the same VW Bug, just with different colors. These are slightly more noticeable, though (🤣). So, I did that, and now I have 9 different colored Beetles! If you are interested in owning one of my PixelBugs, please go to my gallery on Opensea and buy one! You just need some Ethereum and an Ethereum wallet like Coinbase Wallet or Metamask. Enjoy!