Family Vagabonders

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Homeschooling in the perspective of a 4th grader

Throughout our travels we have been homeschooling. This is the first time for all of us. My mom wrote a post about it here.

The homeschooling websites that we use are:

  • Both Madeline and I use it. But for Madeline it is much more playing then actually learning but is still learning.

  • Khan academy: Kaio, Madeline, and I all have a account on khan academy and use it quite often. It is great for math. You only progress if you show you understood a topic.

  • I use it for math once a week

  • I use it for science by reading articles

  • TEDEd: has very useful videos that I learn alot from them. I am now learning about nutrition for science and my dad found several videos and sent me the link to watch them. I am now making a summary and presentation of the information.

My favorite website to use is Khan academy because it is very easy to get onto it and is very helpful. My mother has access to my weekly progress to check in with how I am doing on Khan academy. Every week we review my work and plan for the next week.

These are the pros about homeschooling:

  1. We get to see and experience much more of the history than just learning about the history of places in books. For example, in Athens we saw the Acropolis, we read a lot of history about it and talked about it together.

  2. We can find different things and situations for learning. For example, in Norway we saw a smokestack that had many numbers on it and got into this whole conversation about what prime numbers are and if the numbers were prime numbers or not.

  3. We get to have more family time together: we play together during down town, we have all our meals together, we explore places together, etc

  4. We don’t have to have just one teacher. Besides my parents, my brother really likes to help me and teach me about math. (He is in 6th grade but doing 8th grade math). I really like to teach Madeline things like counting or letters.

  5. We don’t have a set schedule. Normally do wake up, have breakfast, get ready (getting hair brushed, putting clothes on, brushing teeth etc.) , and start schooling until lunch time. In the afternoon we have fun together and might do a bit more schooling before dinner. This also means that we can spend the whole day at temples and check off two or three history for that week and catch upon other subjects over the weekend.

These are the cons:

  • We don’t get to see our friends every single day and have fun with them and chat with them

I really like traveling and getting home-schooled because we get to spend a lot of time with our family and get taught by our family and the world!