Family Vagabonders

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A Trip to Paris 🇫🇷

We have a tradition in our family that when we turn 10 and 17, we take an individual trip with each of our parents. So, when the time came when I turned 10, we started exploring some options…. but due to COVID, we had to put our plans on hold. Two years later, October 2021, when I’m nearly 12, I finally went to Paris with my dad!

We had a blast!

Here are some of the highlights during our 3 day trip to ‘La Ville Lumiere’ (the city of light):

A Creme Brulee

All in all, Paris was an incredible, fun, and a beautiful city. I loved just walking around, seeing all the fashionable people and streets, along with the beautiful main attractions. I would totally recommend it to anyone who is wanting to see a new city!! I had a great time hanging out with my dad, and getting to “connect” with him, one on one. It was awesome!!!!!!