Family Vagabonders

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Struthof concentration camp

We went to a concentration camp called Struthof and it was in France (near the boarder with Germany)

It was very sad but still very interesting to learn about what the Nazis did and how mean they were. The prisoners at this concentration camp were mainly political prisoners (people that didn’t agree with the Nazis) or Jews. A concentration camp is a prison where they make the prisoners work so hard that several of them died because they don’t get enough food or they are put in the gas chamber or the get hung or from exhaustion or disease.

Another mean thing the Nazis did at this concentration camp was that once some of the people are dead then the burn them into ashes, they would call a random family and say that there relative died at the concentration camp and that they could get the ashes of their relative for a certain price. If the family would pay for the ashes then they would get ashes from a person that probably wasn’t even their family member.

This is a summary of how Struthof became a concentration camp: in September, 1940 SS engineer Blumberg discovered a red granite at the peak of Mount Louise and the stone could be used for constructions for the Reich. (Before the war it was a ski hill) In May, 1941 Struthof opens as known as KL-Natzweiler for the a lot of years but then called Struthof. In 1942 the first barracks were installed in the camp and we saw them and they were pretty cramped. There is also a double barbed-wire fence that prevented anybody to escape. December the first satellite camp opens in Oberrenheim. The deportees are used as human guinea pigs by being used for medical experiments. There was also a gas chamber were there was poisons gas that killed people. In 1945 the Americans found the camp and punished all the Nazis and killers and also freed the prisoners that had survived.

All in all I was really sad about what the Nazis did but it was very interesting.